Manager Satisfaction Poll Results – November 2018

Welcome to our English Premier League Manager Satisfaction poll for 2018 where we track the level of satisfaction of fans from each Premier League club with their manager’s performance. This is our first attempt at this, so we only have one data point this time around but we would love to track your views throughout the season to understand which fan’s think their manager’s job is on the line or which are doing a fantastic job.

We rely on fans like you to make this poll meaningful so if you would like to contribute please use the link below.

Click here to contribute to your team’s Manager Satisfaction Score


Current Leaderboard

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How does the Manager Satisfaction Poll work?

Fans are asked the question “How satisfied are you with <manager>’s performance?”. They have the opportunity to choose one of the following responses, each which is allocated a score (in brackets)

  • He’s doing a fantastic job! (5)
  • He’s doing a solid job (4)
  • I’ll sit on the fence with this one (3)
  • He needs to improve but should be given time (2)
  • He needs to go (1)

Scores are tallied and averaged on a monthly basis then divided by the maximum value (5) for a percent satisfaction score. We would love to move this to a weekly score but this depends on help from you to ensure we receive enough response.

Click here to contribute to your team’s Manager Satisfaction Score